April 13, 2007

To Be Happy

Are you happy?

If not, why not?

I used to be "faux" happy. Pretending that everything was just dandy and that part of what made me happy was being miserable.

But, I was wrong. I was miserable being miserable. I made myself unhappy by the choices that I made, my expectations of the world around me and with my inner dialog. But mostly, I made myself unhappy because I thought that in order to be happy, someone or something else had to give it to me.

I figured out that only I can give myself the gift of happiness. Even after I figured it out, it took me years to actually live my life that way.

Now, I'm happy. That's not to say that my life is without drama, or pain, or unhappy moments. But overall, I like my life, because I've made choices to create the life I want. And I have decided to look at the world in a way that jives with who I am, while giving the world permission to be the way it wants to be.

Tobeme at the Naked Soul talks about happiness. In fact, this blog talks about a lot of interesting "quality of life" topics. I added it to my blog roll. Take a gander.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post! It is so true, that we make choices and we choose to be happy or to be happy in our misery, which as you stated is not real happiness. I would love to shout from the highest mountain, that we do not have to be miserable. Life can be and should be a joy! You simply have to make a choice!
Thanks for this wonderful post and thank-you ever so much for the link to my blog!